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C O M M U N E :: C A C A O


shared with original artwork

+ a surprise elemental gift to evoke ceremony

+ our new moon online embodiment space 

Subscribe to receive your ceremonial cacao monthly right before the new moon so you can start very cycle with deep presence & juicy intentions empowered by your work & connection with cacao all cycle long.​


I send out your cacao with all the above mentioned goodies for you to open for the new moon when we drop into ceremony together in the morning (7am) to meet the coming cycle in commune with our own deep wisdom & exquisite intuition supported through the grace of cacao ... through our COMMUNE we live soul aligned, deeply intentional lives supported by community for the good of all life. 


During our live calls I guide you into a teaching, practice and inner contemplation aligned with current astrological & seasonal themes ~ guided, as ever, by the greater cycles that weave us all. We work with somatic intelligence through a combination of some of the following techniques ~  meditation, movement, song, dance, self-enquiry, journalling, breath-work, tapping, trauma repair, time-line healing & of course the power of prayer.


* recording available immediately after the live call + available for life




Every new moon to commune with your soul through the grace of cacao


£25/month with a minimum commitment of 5 months

*simply select subscription at checkout

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