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W I L D  V O I C E S






My prayer to uplift wombens voices, woven from my own journey of feeling completely powerless in my voice & at war with my body to trusting myself with Gods message & feeling at peace with however that looked, sounded & felt for my ego because I now know the texture of being moved by love and I love it and I live for it.  

I wish to guide you gently towards a deeper embodiment of your being, shedding skins of old stories, excavating shadow realms & painful wounds with expression, creativity, sisterhood, prayer, devotion, play, joy, LOUD NOISES & wild remembrance of our service through our unique gifts & expression.

 your voice is beautyFULL, your gifts are magik, your expression is NEEDED


group container limited to an intimate circle of 6 womben

1:2:1 work available June onwards


꩜ journey with the celtic chakra system, spiralling outwards from our hearts to pierce this reality with the truth of our brow centre

꩜ work with somatic practices to reveal the unique medicine of your voice

꩜ discovering the wisdom of vocal expression as doorway & a path to liberation

꩜ clear old stories & timelines through inner alchemy with your voice

꩜ embrace shadow realms of self denial with loving compassion to access to absolute gifts of these parts of our being

꩜ find YOUR voice ~ raw, pure & true

꩜ create space for more of you, more of your voice, more of your unique note in this symphony of life

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This space is for you if   

𓆙 you feel your inner power but find it hard to express outwardly

𓆙 are terrified of public speaking 

𓆙 crumble when asked to speak to something you know you are passionate about

𓆙 never quite feel satisfied with what you bring when you are given space to share

𓆙 feel like a burden 

𓆙 that there isn't enough space for you

𓆙 you know you have a message for life that will uplift others through your own (continuing) healing journey but struggle to speak the fullness of your heart

𓆙 being seen feels uncomfortably vulnerable

𓆙 feel creatively stagnant 

𓆙 know you have songs, poetry & sounds living in your body & being & want to tend those precious seeds

𓆙 feel frustrated, stuck with not enough time & space for your creativity

𓆙 are endlessly self critical of anything you do create

𓆙 empathic perfectionist

𓆙 want to step into your souls work 

𓆙 feel disconnected from your body & great spirit 


You will receive

☼ bluebell essence from exqusite plant listener @feralucy_

☼ 7 weekly zoom calls exploring a subtle layer of the voice ~ alchemizing blockages and accessing your unique gifts

☼ 7 x integration embodiment practices + self-enquiry

☼ 7 x rituals to alchemise


☼ partnered whatsapp support space for being seen, supported & held accountable

☼ whatsapp group for integration enquiries & shares

(I will be available Tue-Thur for direct support)

☼ special discount on further purchases of cacao & blue lotus

☼ discounted 1:2:1 embodied voice session during & within 3 months of completing the course to support integration


☼ personal whatsapp support

☼ fully devotional reflections & support to guide you on this way of becoming more of yourself

☼ follow up call 1:2:1 embodied voice session within 3 months of completing the course

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