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K A M B O  C E R E M O N Y

Sacred space to receive the full blessings of the medicine

It is with the deepest gratitude to the spirit of Kambo, the Queen of the Forest, the land, the people & lineages of the Amazon rainforest, my teachers & the IAKP ~ who are doing their best to be responsible stewards of Kambo in the west ~ that I serve this medicine for the good of all life as part of my prayer for the healing of our hearts & bodies & reconnection to our sovereign truth as children & guardians of our Mother Earth. 


I carry & work with the medicine from this place of reverence & knowing of the sacredness of all life & the Earth medicines that are weaving across the planet at this time of the birthing of the New Earth.

kambo ceremony

Ceremony & ritual are an important part of my practice & an important point of initiation & transformation for the psyche. We have had much of our traditional cultural rites of initiation buried beneath patriarchal concepts of capitalism, colonialism & mysogyny. The spaces I weave are a reclamation of our ancestral knowing that life is sacred, that our lives & our journeys through life are meaningful & powerful. Our stories are worth grieving & celebrating & through coming together in community to witness each other & life we get to learn, grow, heal, expand & come home to our truth which is love in beauty & joy.


This is the beauty way. 






I work in a gentle, feminine & deep way with the medicine. Layering points of medicine, the dosage, so it builds up slowly in your system until you reach the point of purging. My training in trauma informed plant medicine integration & my own experiences with the medicine + the kind of clients I attract have guided me to work in this more gentle way. It allows you to really receive the medicine from a place of rest in your nervous system, to really meet the medicine, feel it in your body, commune with the spirit & leave the space & ceremony feeling nourished not depleted. 

kambo ceremony in cornwall

Flow of Ceremony 3-4 hours depending on numbers



Grounding meditation


Breathwork, self-enquiry, journalling & sharing (optional)

Sananga meditation with live music


Rest & Integration with Sound Bath

Dragons Blood Closing Prayer

Shared Meal


Song & Closing Prayers


What to expect from the Medicines


Sanaga is an eye medicine used to ground the nervous system, clear the auric field & open the peripheral vision. The medicine is used to help you fully arrive in the space, clear any heavy energies or resistance that may block your experience with kambo & open your insight to receive the wisdom downloads from Kambo. The medicine activates the 3rd eye, increases dream time & is a stand alone ally on the path


Kambo enters the body through the lymphatic system. To access the lymph I will burn 'gates' on the skin, this burn is small & only blisters the very top layer of the skin so it can be wiped away to reveal the lymph. It is not painful & will not draw blood etc. The kambo medicine is dry on sticks, is hydrated and mixed to form 'points' of medicine. These points are applied to the gates, this is how the medicine gets into your body. 


Before receiving your points I will ask you to drink a small amount of water, & then ask you to continue to drink water as you start to feel nauseous. The water is the vessel for your purge, it gives the body an effective medium through which the purge can be released with ease


When the medicine first enters your body, it scans through your entire being finding the areas of dis-ease to work with, it activates in the heart & this is often where people first start to experience the medicine in their body. Blood pressure & heart rate increase which creates a pounding in the chest that can rise up the throat & head. Gentle swelling of the throat & face can occur. Yawning, dizziness, emotional release, tingling, sweating & cramping may also occur. All is normal, all is welcome. After some time these initial symptoms reduce & you will start to feel the need to release. You will have a bucket & a bathroom close by & my mental/emotional support as well as channeled songs in devotion to your healing to guide you through your process. I will hold you strongly to meet yourself at depth. Purging comes in many forms, vomit, urination, defecation, hiccuping, burping, yawning, fainting, crying, laughing, sweating. shivering/shaking(somatic processing) & mental swirling/random memory recall.  You will be with the medicine for between 20-40 minutes. Once your medicine is removed you will start to ground very quickly & feel called to rest. During a rest of 20-30 minutes I will offer a sound bath & healing touch if needed. 


If you need extra assistance through your process I will serve hapé, a tobacco snuff that is blown up the nose as a prayer for divine intervention from great spirit. Hapé is a deeply sacred medicine, ground & mixed by the fire in deep prayer, that lifts our prayers. Receiving hapé effectively releases any blockages that are preventing you from purging & will bring you quick relief from ongoing nausea. 


I feel so truly blessed to be able to offer the medicine out of Pennans Roundhouse space. This space was built with ceremony & community at heart, by hands and materials of these lands of Kernow. SO many prayers for the New earth are woven here & so many miracles have been birthed through her portal. I feel so held by the space & the fire we light here for ceremonies regularly. She is a living breathing being & amplifies every prayer made & every ripple of love felt within her. 

If you feel called to work with me I provide full preparation guidance & integration support. Working with this medicine is truly transformational on so many levels ~ my offer is to hold that space with you for radical change. 

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